Interfaith Perspectives

With respect, according to the suttas, at one point, the Buddha was the only one in the world who penetrated the Dhamma and realized nibbāna after his enlightenment. Did that make him wrong and the rest of the world correct?
Is truth dependent on the number of people who believe it?

Again with respect and with goodwill, reducing the sincere Dhamma practices of many people to a “daring game” sounds denigrating and dismissive.
Disagreement can just be disagreement.
You’re certainly entitled to your views and opinions. No need for negative labeling.

The people who take the Buddha’s teachings about cessation as pointing to exactly that, are not doing so to violate the Precepts or to enhance greed, anger, and ignorance. If they were, that would be a basis for direct criticism. But they’re not.
So to label their Dhamma practices as a “game” is not helpful and not convincing.

However, you may wish to cite the suttas to support your view. Then there would be a basis for deeper discussion and reflection – if not agreement. :pray: