On the inherent pessimism of parinibbana as mere cessation

In a serie of posts called Interfaith Perspective we touched upon this subject again:

@Jasudho said:

Some remarks,

Well, then you are apparantly absolutely sure that this view of parinibbana as a mere cessation is what the Buddha really taught? If not, maybe this view is a distortion of Dhamma, and how can that not enhance ignorance? Are we sure it is not a distortion?

I do not tend to this view of a mere cessation, but i also cannot say i am sure the Buddha did not teach that parinibbana is a mere cessation.

I feel it is hard to say when one only bases oneself upon the EBT texts. One can hammer out this Dhamma and it might seem logic and consistent, appealing to intellect, but i feel in this proces of reasoning one can also make other chooses and come to other conclusions.

Anyway, i do not think it is wise to rely on reasoning and logic only.

But i feel it is also quit awkward to take refuge in Buddha, Dhamma and Sangha while not knowing where this Path leads. To a mere cessation?

I also hope, like venerable @mudita said in the mentioned serie of posts, that this issue will be solved once and for all.