Introducing Rainbodhi LGBTQIA+ Community

From Rainbodhi’s recent Media Release:

Rainbow Buddhists Unite to Support Sydney’s Queer & Trans Communities*

Rainbodhi combines two words; "rainbow" representing our diverse LGBTQIA+ community and "bodhi" the Buddhist concept of Enlightenment.

On 29 November, Rainbodhi’s inaugural event will bring Sydney’s diverse queer and trans* Buddhist community together for the very first time, to develop spiritual friendships and share their experiences of being LGBTQIA+ Buddhists.

Speaking about the need for a Buddhist queer and trans* group, Buddhist monk and founder of Rainbodhi, Bhante Akāliko Bhikkhu said:

Spirituality is an intrinsic part of being human. It should be a source of connection and wisdom in our lives, rather than division and despair. Rainbodhi’s message is that it’s OK to be queer or gender diverse and also be a Buddhist. You don’t have to choose between these two parts of yourself.

We want our Rainbodhi community to know that they are welcomed, accepted and loved for who they are. Everyone deserves love and compassion; these are fundamental Buddhist values.

Regarding the concerns of the LGBTQIA+ community about the threat of increased discrimination and erosion of human rights due to the religious privilege debate currently going on in Australian politics, Bhante Akāliko commented:

One of the reasons for starting Rainbodhi is the negative impact of this debate. After enduring the painful public discussion for the marriage equality postal survey in 2017, we are genuinely concerned about our community’s well-being and loss of legal protections. A recent survey ( by the advocacy group just.equal, showed that 62.2% of LGBTQIA+ people feel vulnerable and 78.4% don’t feel respected. We definitely don’t want to see any discrimination against LGBTQIA+ human rights in the name of religion.

No religion should preach hate or harm others. We need to let people know that it’s fine to be LGBTQIA+ and a spiritual person, a person of faith. There have always been queer and trans* people in religious life and it’s important for us to acknowledge that publically, with pride. Other religions in Sydney already have queer and gender diverse groups in their communities, such as Sydney Queer Muslims, and Dayenu, the Jewish LGBT+ group, so this is an opportune moment for Buddhism to recognise and celebrate the diversity of our community, too.

Speaking about Rainbodhi’s upcoming launch event, Bhante Akāliko said:

It’s an exciting occasion because our diverse queer and trans* Buddhist community can connect with each other and celebrate our spirituality together. There will be guided meditation, a panel discussion about spiritual self-care, and the announcement of a fundraiser for an international LGBTQIA rights group that we are supporting. We’re also planning fun, interactive workshops for attendees to help us shape Rainbodhi’s future.

About Rainbodhi

We offer meditation and Dhamma discussion in a safe, supportive environment. Come along to chill out, hear authentic Buddhist teachings and develop spiritual friendships with like-minded people.

We are non-sectarian and welcome everyone regardless of gender, sexuality or faith. All our events are free

Rainbodhi’s launch event in Sydney:
Friday 29 November 2019
6:30 pm – 8:30 pm

Erskineville Town Hall
104 Erskineville Road
Erskineville, NSW 2043

Get your free ticket now!

PS. Please keep comments respectful and supportive. Thanks! :rainbow::rainbow::rainbow:


Thank you so much for this great initiative, Venerable!


This is a fantastically important initiative. My very best wishes to my rainbow friends as they embark on this important initiative in the city of my adoption. You have loads and loads of support from this quarter.
:pray: :rainbow::pray:


This is so cool and makes me so happy :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :sob:


Thank you so much, Bhante @Akaliko!
It feels good to be accepted. And it is wonderful to be supported on one’s spiritual journey.

Sadu, sadhu, sadhu.




Sadhu! Sadhu! :rainbow: :rainbow_flag:


Wonderful :rainbow:


Wonderful news!
I hope we can have something like this in the States, as we seem to be dealing with much of the same.


Thanks @Jothi and everyone else for the positive feedback and support!
There have been several enquiries from people overseas and in different Australian states who want a Rainbodhi group. It might be possible to do that in the future. Meantime we are busy planning our first event and hopefully it will be a success!


Wonderful to hear of this initiative - wishing Rainbodhi sangha every success! By joyful coincidence November also sees two LGBTQIA+ Dharma events here in the UK - a one day retreat on 16th Nov in Sheffield, and a one day retreat on 30th Nov in Brighton
:pray: :rainbow_flag::earth_africa:


Lots of people and wonderful vibes at the Rainbodhi LGBTQIA+ Buddhist Community launch event.


Sadhu Sadhu Sadhu

Congratulations Ven Akaliko, it looks like such a happy event :sparkling_heart: :dharmawheel: :butterfly::rainbow:

May the Rainbodhi Community thrive with happiness and peace :pray:


A group of very happy people celebrating their coming together. :rainbow_flag:

May Rainbodhi thrive and grow. :rainbow: :heart:


OMG Ven, so awesome. :rainbow_flag:


Some images from our second Rainbodhi event, a workshops session at the Mitra Conference where I gave a brief overview of the history of queer trans and intersex people in the EBTs. The workshop was attended by a Buddhist nun in the Tibetan tradition who was a 78-er, someone who was present at the very first Sydney Mardi Gras protest. A rare honour to host a queer elder who fought for our human rights. And also a Buddhist! :thinking::blush:

And some screenshots of the positive comments on one of Rainbodhi’s photos (yes on FB, sorry!)!

We’ve had invitations to set up Rainbodhi in Melbourne, Brisbane, New York, Sri Lanka, and an island off the coast of Spain!



Rainbodhi just turned one! :rainbow_flag: :transgender_flag:

We are still only young but growing fast. Since our launch on November 29th last year, we’ve been busy creating a community of LGBTQIA+ Buddhists all around the world, through meditation events, friendship activities, online workshops, and advocacy.

To find out what we have been up to, see our recent first birthday email which has a list of highlights.

Rainbodhi is a place where LGBTQIA+ people and our allies can feel accepted and loved for who they are. We have received so much support and thanks from people all around the world telling us how thankful they are Rainbodhi exists.

We celebrated with a meditation and picnic event in the Sydney Botanical Gardens. It was a wonderful day of spiritual friendship and sunshine! Hopefully many more birthdays to come.

Happy Birthday Rainbodhi! Thanks everyone for supporting LGBTQIA+ Buddhists.

To learn more about Rainbodhi and to join our mailing list, go to our website:


Sadhu! Sadhu! Sadhu!

Happy Birthday, Rainbodhi!

Thank you, Bhante @Akaliko! And thanks to everyone who made this organization happen!

:heart: :rainbow: :rainbow_flag:


Happy birthday!


A) Don’t tempt me with the rainbow cake (I have high blood sugar).

B) Did the sneaky kitty filch a slice?