Is sankhara in 5 aggregates and dependent origination the same thing?

Here is a rough outline of the overlap…

12 links of Dependent Origination
Avija/delusion, Sankhara/formations, Vinnana/Consciousness, Nama-Rupa/Name-Form, Salayatana/ six sense bases, Phassa/Contact, Vedana/Feeling, Tanha/Craving, Upadana/taking up or clinging, Bhava/Becoming, Jati/Re-birth, Jaramarana/Death.

5 Aggregates
Perceptions - made up of Nama/Rupa and Contact etc

So DO gives a framework for understanding the arising and ceasing of the Aggregates. It is presented in the diagram That @mikenz66 shared above, but I find that diagram (while really great and relevant to that particular lecture) has so much info in it, that unless you already know the subject really well it needs accompanying explanations. rather than standing on its own.

In the latest series on DO presented by Ajahn Brahmali and Bhante Sujato in Sydney, Ajahn has some great new slides showing the different interr-elationships. Perhaps Ajahn @Brahmali could make them available. I thought they gave a really clear perspective and really bring out the inter-relatedness and the principles at work :pray: :slight_smile: :dharmawheel:

But really the best way to get a thorough understanding is to watch the presentations in full

This is the direct link to Dhammnet and the whole series. Note they are being released one per week… just to keep us on our toes :slight_smile: This week is session 9. (the prior 8 are all there)