Jack Kornfield?

Yeah that quote on laurels seems to me like he might be talking about enlightenment as in the whole field of eastern spirituality and not necessarily nibbana.

If that is the case, then I get it, there’s a huge novelty effect when you first discover the dhamma and meditation, and this huge burst of motivation and energy definitely leads to “divine” experiences, but like any drug or high, it eventually wears off. This is what I think and also what I thought Jack was trying to convey in that quote, and not specifically enlightenment as in Arahantship/nibbana

As for OP’s Jack Kornfield question, I think he’s very commercial and there always seems to be a foreword or acknowledgement done by him in any big Buddhist book on the market. I don’t think he’s bad, but I think there’s better teachers out there, more who are not as popular and who have lived the ascetic life.

To name a few EBT centered monks: