John Kelly’s Pāli Class 2024 (G&K) Class 10

Thread for discussing John Kelly’s Pāli Class (G&K) Class 10 for the class on May 19th / 20th 2024.

Meeting ID: 829 5896 1475
Passcode: anicca

You will need to remain in the “waiting room” until host lets you in.

Homework preparation for this class:

  1. Review G&K Lesson IV: Grammar - all sections, pp. 50-56
  2. Study G&K Glossary IV-1, pp. 47-49
  3. Study G&K Glossary IV-2, pp. 60-62
  4. Complete G&K Lesson IV: Readings 1-3, pp. 45-46

Apologies again. The client has made a follow-up appointment next Monday morning. :pray:


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From Reading Passage #1 (AN 4.50), interesting to see how John, Bhante Sujato (BS), and Thanissaro Bhikkhu (TB) translate use of the past participle (pp) in slightly different ways – John or Stephen these are pp’s, correct? It confused me at first. Why not just use the pāli present tense?

(Spoiler alert)

I translated them as “refraining from doing x, y, z” but John’s is the most brilliant of the three :grin:

…surāmerayapānā appaṭiviratā.

not avoiding drinking liquor (BS)
who don’t refrain from drinking alcohol and fermented liquor (TB)
and show no restraint from drinking wine and liquor (John)

And so on for the other three.

…methunasmā dhammā appaṭiviratā.
…jātarūparajatapaṭiggahaṇā appaṭiviratā.
…micchājivā appaṭiviratā.

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Yes, Beth. This is a past participle.
A literal rendering in English can sound stilted in some circumstances, so there is some flexibility in translation.

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Yes, it’s the past participle of ‘pativiramati’ (the two prefixes to ‘ramati’ seem slightly redundant. )

It functions as an adjective modifying ‘eke samanabrāhmanā’ matching case and number.

Perhaps literally something like ‘not abstaining / from wine and liquor’.

Although two adjacent words both end in ā, are they the same case?

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All will be revealed shortly! :smile:

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Here are the Powerpoint slides for Class 10
SC Pali 2024 Class 10 Slides.pdf (2.3 MB)