John Kelly’s Pāli Class 2024 (G&K) Class 11

Here is the pdf of the Power-point slides from today’s class
SC Pali 2024 Class 11 Slides.pdf (1.0 MB)


Planning to use that time to revise and get a grip on the grammar of the Pali language… :pray:

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John, I apologize for my absence tonight. After our long day of Vesak activities, our monastery’s tea time unexpectedly ran waaaaaaay over! (I stayed for good reason- i got to ask a visiting bhikkhuni about maybe visiting Santi :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:)


John or Stephen, could you remind me of the purpose of the prefix vi?

For example, in vippasidāti and vipassati (from the reading passages) is vi having the same effect? I included the DPD screenshots.

Thank you!

The common prefix ‘vi-‘ can have multiple meanings, both positive and negative.

Here are some excerpts from the PED entry:

“ 1. denoting expansion, spreading out; fig. variety or detail, to be trsld by expressions with over or about (cp. Lat. e-), as: ˚kampati shake about, ˚kāseti open out, ˚kirati scatter about,…”

“ 2. denoting disturbance, separation, mixing up (opp. saŋ˚), as given with “away” or “down,” or the prefixes de- and dis-, e. g. ˚kasita burst asunder…”

“ 3. denoting the reverse of the simple verb, or loss, difference, opposite, reverse, as expressed by un- or dis-, e. g. ˚asana mis- fortune, ˚kaṭika unclean, ˚kappa change round, ˚kāra per-turbation, dis- tortion, ˚kāla wrong time, ˚tatha un- truth…”

“4. in intensifying sense (developed fr. 1 & 2), mostly with terms expressing per se one or the other of shades of meanings given under 1-3; to be trsld by “away,” out, all over, “up,” or similarly (completely), e. g. ˚ākula quite confused, ˚katta cut up, ˚kopeti shake up, ˚garahati scold intensely, ˚chindati cut off, ˚jita conquered altogether, ˚jjotita resplendent, ˚tarati come quite through…”

The words you supplied seem to exhibit senses 1&4.

‘Vipassana’, a type of enhanced or special seeing, i.e. ‘in-sight’, (#4?); ‘vipasīdati’ (vi + pa) a spreading out of brightness, confidence, calm.(#1?)

Note: the prefix ‘vi-‘ often becomes ‘vy-‘ before ‘a’.