Just another brick in the wall

I think Mat’s absolutely spot on in this detail. We’re talking about a deep cultural shift, in a certain respect I think it just has to unravel as it does over the full course of time it takes. That’s not at all to promote a casual attitude of leaving everything to sort itself out. Each of the steps need to be taken and each of the encouragements (to new conversations, new attitudes, and new behaviours) need to be made; you just can’t control, or force how it goes all that much.

I do, however, feel that at one point or other it is simply an inevitability that we’ll end up somewhere we don’t even need to be thinking about ‘phases’ with respect to this issue and it will just be an unfortunate, but inspiring historical detail … so long as enough of us now (nuns, monks, layfolk - or blobby masses of suffering as I prefer to think of these groups collectively) keep enough faith and put in enough effort for a better situation to manifest.