Karuṇā better translated as kindness, rather than compassion?

There will never be a perfect translation for metta anyways. And in the context of an celibate ascetic life, its pretty clear it doesn’t refer to romantic love, so its pretty good.


Romantic love is just one of many types of love that is laden with attachment. Parental love is too exclusive (as a mother I attest to that). Even brotherly/sisterly love is only going to work if you consider all beings to be equally your brothers and sisters. Now that’s a laudable goal but most of us aren’t there yet.

Are all references to metta in the context of a celibate monastic life? What about the lay followers?

I am curious : do Pali and related languages use the same word for all the different flavors of “love” as used in English?

I think of it as ‘unconditional love’… to all beings including oneself


Piyato… Pemato… Ratiyā… Kāmato
From Affection…love…lust…desire
Jayato soko… Comes grief

Piya vagga dhammapada

I’m very reluctant to make claims of knowledge about the future, but maybe you have knowledge of the future. That would be fortunate. If not, then I would suggest adopting the practice of right speech I believe the Buddha taught: 'when we believe something, say ‘I believe…’ not ‘this is so’. Otherwise it just sounds arrogant to me. :frowning:

best wishes