KN Ps Paṭisambhidāmagga: what does it say about jhāna, 16 APS, 4sp, 7sb?

Hi Sylvester,

I found one of the passages translated:

The suttas describe this joyous ease and pleasure permeating and pervading the entire body in the following terms:

He drenches, steeps, fills, and permeates this very body with the joy and pleasure born of seclusion so that there is no part of his whole body that is not permeated by joy and pleasure born of seclusion.

The Sumaṅgalavilāsinī commentary on the Sāmaññaphala Sutta explains this passage as follows:

“This very body:” this body born of action [i.e. born of kamma]. “He drenches:” he moistens, he extends joy and pleasure everywhere. “Steeps:” to flow all over. “Fills:” like filling a bellows with air. “Permeates:” to touch all over.

“His whole body:” in this monk’s body, with all its parts, in the place where acquired [material] continuity occurs there is not even the smallest part consisting of skin, flesh, and blood that is not permeated with the pleasure of the first jhāna.