Latest Scientific Knowledge & Sarvastivadins

What is observable? We cannot control the body faster than light. There’s no need to consider the whole body as self and deny a here and now concept.

She’s popular, and negative press about the dhamma would turn people away from liberation.

The block universe hard determinism is more akin to superdeterminism for even quantum results would exist now already in the block universe. One future only. It’s my understanding of Buddhism, despite being all causation, that the future is still open, instead of every single detailed fixed in place. That would be the same as everything is due to past kamma, which is rejected by our right view of kamma that present kamma can shape the future.

Exactly what is not answered in this sutta. An10.95 Samsara without beginning or end? - #5 by NgXinZhao

As noted above, Buddhism is incompatible with superdeterminism.

The dilemma above breaks special relativity or at least information physics. I don’t see how a quantum interpretation can be of help.

But to be fair, there’s a lot of time travel models in physics and they allow information to travel faster than light and still I dunno if physicists are worried about special relativity in those scenarios.