Lay Arahants. Why not?

Lol! That’s funny :grin:- maybe racism or poverty in third world countries, or perhaps just being a lay person could be justified on these grounds too. I’m just saying, while Milindapanha has some good points, this particular reasoning is to be discarded, IMO.

With metta


Wait a minute: ice cream eating is neither here nor there. One of the wisest and kindest beings I have ever met likes eating food that most dieticians would never recommend.

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You mention several time “ariyas”. Are they monastics? did they tell you they are ariyas?


If they are monks they unfortunately could not tell you where they are in their development. So you are guessing they are ariyas and that’s risky.

Hi Sineru, my understanding is that Ajahn Brahm does not talk about his attainments and he seems very careful in his talks to avoid any personal claims of e.g. jhanas - I read somewhere, probably the Art of disappearing, that he advised monks not to do that either, except on their death bed to their fellow monks.
I think there are some rules in the Vinaya on this.
Also, if I am not mistaken, I once heard an argument saying that it’s better to keep it quiet, since most people instead of being happy for one’s attainemnts would tend to want to test you and/or be envious.

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hi Sineru,
I heard Ajahn Brahm make that argument.
Does it mean that the Buddha would have died a week after his own Enlightenment if Brahma had not begged him to teach?
Also, many people (including Ajahn Brahm I think) consider Ajahn Chah an arahant. If the motivation for surviving only if you are in robes is that as a monk you can teach and live for others, how is this consistent with the fact that Ajahn Chah survived more than nine years at the end of his life even though he was bedridden and unable to speak (and thus unable to teach)?

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ok no worries; btw I raised the previous question (on Ajahn Chah etc) for everyone to discuss and respond to, even though it started with a quote from your message whose purpose was chiefly to contextualise the argument.
With metta
Btw I suspect I know who is the Maha Thera you refer to :joy:

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