Leaving SuttaCentral

Just seeing this now as I’m back from an internet-free break… there is a feeling of sadness at reading this, but also of understanding; knowing to prioritize seem to be of the highest importance on the path, particularly with the small lifespan we all have…

I have much gratitude for your work for SC (of which I know next to nothing and am sure to wrongly appreciate due to not being too technical - but I guess was huge based on many comments I read over the last couple of years).

Best wishes for your work at Tilorien Monastery, may it bring you joy and gladness! :anjal:


Dear Ayya Vimala,

thank you for all your effort and good luck with your next project. It’s uplifting to see how much skillful work you managed to do in so many different areas that benefits all beings.

Wishing you the best!