Let's talk about Jhana!

How is this consistent with what is said here?


“Quite secluded from sense pleasures, secluded from unwholesome states, he enters and dwells in the first jhāna, which is accompanied by applied and sustained thought and filled with the rapture and happiness born of seclusion. He drenches, steeps, saturates, and suffuses his body with this rapture and happiness born of seclusion, so that there is no part of his entire body which is not suffused by this rapture and happiness."

By the way, I’m not the biggest fan of English translated Sutta’s.

How is consistent with what the Buddha taught? From my own understanding / knowing / learning of the Buddha Dhamma, the doer (not 100% certain what is implied by this word) only disappears when one has completely remove avija or has stop all abhisankhara’s (punnabhisankharo, apunnaabhisankharo, anenjabhisankhara). I’m not 100% exactly sure what is meant by a “doer” or “will” here, but I’ll take it at face value. Sankhara’s can even be consider as a “doer”.

Meditation and entering jhana’s are done with sankhara’s or abhisankhara’s. If there’s no doer (sankhara’s or abhisankhara’s), how does one meditate or enter jhana’s? How is one going to enter higher levels of jhana’s if there’s no doer?

with Metta,