Let's talk about purification

Many thanks for this interesting contemplation Dhammiko.

Taking up a couple of the points you raise:

Like DKervick, I’m not 100% sure about this, and I think it could depend a little on the exact intended meaning. At any rate, the comment reminded me of another thread, On Encountering Nibbida, which although it has a different focus may or may not have some interesting points for you.

In a way, I think there’s something really wonderful about this. By coincidence I was recently following one of Ajahn Brahmali’s brilliant sutta classes on DN16. I was both intrigued and delighted when he mentioned a sutta in which the power of reflection is presented as a means for abandoning the three types of misconduct (see here - as an aside, I’d me thoroughly grateful if Ajhan @Brahmali would be able to give the specific sutta reference). Reflection, by my understanding definitely has a critically important role in the Buddha’s path.

The difficulty I have with this, is that it appears to present meditation and contemplation as an ‘either/or’ thing, whereas (again as I have understood things) both are non-negotiably essential for full liberation, and they are very much complementary.

Saying that, I’m quiet a fan of the one step at a time approach. :slight_smile: