Linking to "Discuss and Discover"

it still works for me in a slightly outdated version of Chrome on Win XP

but out of the mentioned updates only the count of links under D&D is available

Yes, that was my suggestion.

There seems to be a bug preventing Discuss and Discover on some pages, such as:

The iframe implementation is back working again now.

Many thanks @blake

Discuss and Discover still seems broken in many places, such as:

It may be significant that neither of those suttas have English translations. In the few cases where there are English translations that I’ve checked I get Discuss and Discover on both the English and the Pali.

Turns out there was a bug preventing the results showing on pages without english translations. I have fixed this so discussions should now consistently appear.
Another update I have made to discussions is they have a bias in favor of newer posts, so newer posts (especially those in the previous month or two) will be more likely to appear near the top of the list.

Thanks, that’s great!

Any thoughts about adding the menu to the “Details” pages such as the following?

The linking seems broken again.

I posted this yesterday:

and there should be a link here:

Hi @blake,

just one other thing with the ‘iframe implementation’. In the bit that says:

Conversations at

When I click the link, it does nothing. I think that it is trying to open the link in the iframe (which is disallowed). Could you maybe make the the link open in a new browser tab from within the iframe?

Sorry for being a pain.

I suggested a while ago that it would be helpful to be able to get at the links from the “Details” page, rather than having to go into the text or translation. It seems that everyone agreed this would be helpful. Though it’s not essential, it would be nice to see this at some point:

We’re focusing on the i18n version right now, but in the future we can add this.

No worries, you have plenty to do!

The linking from Sutta Central to Discuss and Discover seems to currently not be working…

Yes, it’s based on the search, so both are broken right now.

Thanks. Now that search seems to be working, is there an additional problem?

Thanks for pointing this out, @vimala can you check this? Probably reboot the main SC server?

Should work again now also:
