Locating this Analayo video

Hello folks,

I came across this potent but super short video of Analayo.

It seems like a segment from a longer talk, does anyone know what it’s from and where to track down the rest of it?

I’ve been basically reading Analayo’s work for year or two now and I must say his second to last book “A Meditator’s Life of the Buddha” is pretty fantastic if anyone hasn’t read it yet. I also blitzed through his new Rebirth book but that’s a whole other kettle of fish…

w/ Thanks and Metta


This was part of a video clip Barre center for Buddhist Studies had on their website quite awhile back as part of a description of an on-line course they were offering. The original was just a bit longer and included a short exchange between Joseph Goldstein and Ven Anālayo. I just checked their website and it seems as though they no longer have the full clip posted. It’s now the same as the youtube link you’ve posted above.


It’s from the Barre Center for Buddhist Studies’ online program called Entering The Path- An Online Foundations Course in Early Buddhist Study and Practice.

You’ll see that the short video you posted is a preview video for the course if you go to this link:



Edit: Linda beat me to it


Thanks for the detective work people.

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