Location of Ten Advantages of Establishing Precepts in Dharmaguptaka Vinaya

Might anyone be able to point me to where this pictured extract exists in the Dharmaguptaka Vinaya? A citation would be helpful and another English translation really helpful.

It seems to differ somewhat from what is in the Pali Text Parivāra.

Which is:

  1. for the excellence of the Order,
  2. for the comfort of the Order,
  3. for the restraint of evil minded individuals,
  4. for the living in comfort of well behaved monks,
  5. for the control of the cankers belonging to the here-now,
  6. for the combating of the cankers belonging to a future state,
  7. for the benefit of non-believers,
  8. for the increase in the number of believers,
  9. for the maintenance of True Dhamma ,
  10. for the furthering of Discipline.

edit – Note: This passage in the Parivāra on Sutta Central has no pointers to parallels in other Vinaya.

edit – Perhaps it might match up somewhat in this way:

PT: 1. for the excellence of the Order
DG: 1. to direct the monastics (??? or does this go with PT 10?)

PT: 2. for the comfort of the Order

PT: 3. for the restraint of evil minded individuals
DG: 6. to restrain the restive

PT: 4. for the living in comfort of well behaved monks
DG: 2. to foster peace and happiness among the monastics (??? or does it go with PT 2?)

PT: 5. for the control of the cankers belonging to the here-now
DG: 8. to eliminate present defilements

PT: 6. for the combating of the cankers belonging to a future state
DG: 9. to prevent defilements from arising in the future

PT: 7. for the benefit of non-believers
DG: 4. to inspire those who have no faith in the Dharma (??? or does it go with PT 8?)

PT: 8. for the increase in the number of believers
DG: 5. to advance the practice of those who already have faith (??? based on matching increase to advance and believers to have faith)

PT: 9. for the maintenance of True Dhamma
DG: 10. for the Dharma to be forever sustained

PT: 10. for the furthering of Discipline

DG: 3. to protect the monastics

DG: 7. to stabilize those who have a sense of integrity


hope my translation helps .

一、攝取於僧;二、令僧歡喜;三、令僧安樂(住) ;四、另未信者信;五、已信者另增長;六、难調者另調順;七、惭愧者得安樂;八、斷現在有漏;九、斷未來有漏;十、令正法得久住。

  1. governing the order in harmony
  2. ensure the order wellbeing
  3. maintaining peace in the order
  4. inspire the faithless
  5. strengthen those already with faith
  6. subdue the untamed
  7. those with integrity live in ease
  8. able to eliminate present defilements
  9. able to abandon defilements in future
  10. For the long lived of the

It seems that above Chinese appear different with below Chinese version .

Below :

《摩訶僧祇律》CBETA 電子版

No. 1425 [cf. Nos. 1426, 1427]


1&2 similar
4. to subdue the amoral
9. to prevent defilements from arising

As for the rest remain the same.


I wonder if perhaps Ayya @vimalanyani could also help?

Just as an aside, in case it’s helpful,

the above is Horner’s (edited by Ajahn Brahmali) translation. Here’s Ajahn Brahmali’s own rendition (with formatting from me for ease of reading):

Because of this, monks, I will lay down a training rule for the following ten reasons:

  1. for the well-being of the Order,
  2. for the comfort of the Order,
  3. for the restraint of bad people,
  4. for the ease of well-behaved monks,
  5. for the restraint of corruptions in the present life,
  6. for avoiding corruptions in future lives,
  7. to give rise to confidence in those without it,
  8. to increase the confidence of those who have it,
  9. for the continuation of the true Teaching,
  10. and for supporting the training.

(eg. bu pj1 - I believe the 10 reasons are consistently given as the same across the Vibhaṅgas, right? At the very least the corresponding Pali texts of both items here are the same)


Wonderful! Much appreciation.

May I use your translations in my response for an interview questionnaire I am providing someone for her use in a paper she is submitting to Religions journal special issue on “Buddhism in the United States and Canada”?

How would you like to be cited?

With kind regards,
Ven. Niyyanika

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Dear venerable ,

Yes, you may use it .
Just one thing , imo for number 9
the correct translation should be :
(9). Preventing defilements from arising

Need not any citing.

May you be well.
Best regards .