Looking for detailed explanation on 52 CETASIKA in Abhidhamma Manuals and Atthakatha

looking for detailed explaination on 52 CETASIKA in Abhidhamma Manuals and Atthakatha- written by various great scholars/ experts/ authors…
Based on 4 fold explaination- Rasa Lakkhan Pachupatthan and Padatthana.(Function, Character, Manifestation, Proximate Cause)

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A Comprehensive Manual of Abhidhamma by Bhikkhu Bodhi gives a succinct and solid explanation of each cetasika in the way that you are looking for, I think. Here is an example I picked out for two, which appear to be defined along with it’s manifestation, function, proximate cause.

Here is a digital edition of the print edition, from which I provided you the examples above.

Ven. Bodhi’s seems to me to be very clear and sufficient. If you’re interested in more expanded detail on each, The Essence of Buddha Abhidhamma by Dr. Mehm Tin Mon might be nice to have on hand.

A Manual of Abhidhamma by Ven. Nārada Mahā Thera was a bit too succinct on each individual cetasika for me at this time in my studies, but it might be perfect for you.


My intention is to study CETASIKA explained by various great scholars/ experts/ authors…
pls do suggest good resources for my study. Thank You

THANK YOU SO MUCH for valuable inputs. I was referring to Ven Narad Thera Manual and Bhikkhu Bodhi Manual for Abhidhamma. Im delighted to get new ref book for Dr Mehn Ti Mon. Would appreciate if I get to read more such referral books fro study of CETASIKA.
Thanx with lot of Metta

This table with attached explanations may be a good resource. The page references are to Bhikkhu Bodhi’s (ed.) AbhidhammatthasaṅgahaA Comprehensive Manual of Abhidhamma. With mettā!

Cetasikā Table.pdf (115.5 KB)

See also p. 141 ff. in a more authoritative source: The expositor (Atthasālinī): Buddaghosa’s commentary on the Dhammasangaṇī, the first book of the Abhidhamma Piṭakahttps://www.discoveringbuddha.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/PTS-Expositor-Atthasālinī-Vol-1-U-Maung-Tin-CAFRD-1920.pdf.


THANK YOU SIR. It is useful for my study.

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15 & 30 (ahirikaṃ & hiri) both appear to be translated as “shamelessness.”


Thanks for pointing this mistake out! :+1:


Hi, I don’t know whether this is useful, but when I was studying the Abhidhamma last year, I represented the cetasikas as a wheel in this diagram:

I mapped the cittas to the cetasikas in this table:

Or if you prefer it as a Sankey diagram:

Or if you spefically want to see how the cittas in the various spheres map across wholesome and unwholesome cittas and cetasikas:

Hope this helps


Oops the Sankey chart was too complex to upload properly. Here is the link to the original diagram:

You can also find the other diagrams on my ObservableHQ account.

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