Mailing list mode


Is the mailing list mode working ? Emails seem to have stopped.


They seem to work just fine from what I can see.

The last email had the hint:

Heads up: We send a maximum of 100 daily emails. Check the site to see the ones that might be held back.

Is this set because there is a cap on email quotas with SC’s hosting plan ?

As far as I can see emails have been sent as recent as 4 minutes ago. But it seems that you have exceeded the maximum emails per day per user. You might want to look in your settings and see if you can remove some of the notifications that you are subscribed to.

Looks like it is a site-wide setting.

This is not for the notification emails, but the cap kicks in when discourse is used as a traditional mailing list. It’s a good feature and allows lightweight mail clients to use the forum, but if there are reasons to retain the default limit of 100 (like bandwidth costs), then it’s fine. But, if there is any chance that it can be set to 0, then that would be great. :slight_smile:

I notice your settings are “Send me an email for every new post”.

On the thread you sent, Sam says:

This issue usually creeps in on mega active sites like BBS, heloforos, turtlerock and gearbox

It is not an issue that should affect us very much.

We have a subscription with Discourse that limits the total number of emails the system can send out in a month. If we need more, we need to pay more. So I’m not in favor or changing the limit or removing it; we already have problems sometimes at the end of the month. @Sujato and @blake , what do you think?

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Ok, makes sense.

The current default setting is fine, then. If the email count is subscription-based, then no point in paying more for this feature.

Thanks for looking into this.

Thank you very much for your understanding! :anjal: