Mindfulness in the Tipiṭaka

Hello all,

I Have been exploring the early Buddhist texts on SuttaCentral, especially the Tipiṭaka, and I have found so many interesting teachings attributed to the Buddha.

Particularly interested in how mindfulness is discussed in these texts and how we can apply these teachings in our daily lives. Can anyone point me to specific suttas that focus on the practical aspects of mindfulness?

I recently read MA81: Mindfulness of the Body and Knowing Things as They Truly Aresf cpq, which was incredibly insightful. However, I’m looking for more information and resources on this topic, which was incredibly insightful. However, I’m looking for more information and resources on this topic.

Your experiences and how you’ve incorporated these teachings into your everyday life.

Thank you all for your help :blush:

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Hi. I found the way mindfulness is used in AN 7.67 and MN 117 very helpful for everyday life.

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You could check out the index entries on mindfulness here:


My own anthology of suttas about meditation can be found here: Buddhist Meditation @ The Open Buddhist University


Sadhu Bhante! I was going to work on an index like this, so glad that it’s already made! :smiley:

@Snowbird’s index isn’t done yet, so perhaps you could still work on it :wink:

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