More on Vedana

While we’re discussing vedana, I have a question. Is it something which persists over time (like the unpleasant bodily sensation of a toothache for example), or is it really a momentary event (more like a reaction) which arises with each instance of vinnana/sanna, or with each occurence of phassa?
Or perhaps it persists, but changes over time?

@martin I have moved this question to its own prominence to allow the thread you asked it in to concentrate on the translation issues. :slightly_smiling_face:


Doesn’t our perception of this vary depending on the circumstances? E.g. if we watch sitting pain closely when meditating we see it changing, breaking up. etc; the feeling tone associated with each shift doesn’t have to be the same. I’m sure there are lots of suttas on aniccā to search through on this.

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I don’t see why it cannot be all three of these options you give, depending on the causes and conditions of the particular situation.

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It could be, but I was thinking of how vinnana, sanna and vedana are said to be “conjoined”, suggesting that they arise together, as part of an event or instance, resulting from phassa.

Sure, but that event or instance could last for a long time or for a short while.

Remember, the idea of “mind moments” or “momentariness” is a later invention and not something which is taught in the suttas. So mental events could last for a short moment or for some time, and it makes intuitive sense too. Sometimes we experience a painful feeling for a long time (like chronic pain), and sometimes a feeling is momentary, comes and goes in an instant.

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