New parallels to add

Thank you Jacqueline. But what exactly is sn10.1.9: that number does not exist. sorry

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AN 9.7 and AN 9.8 are partial parallels of each other and both have a portion identical to DN 29 (9.7 partially whereas 9.8 fully), namely 9 things an arahant is incapable of doing


I’m working through the 3000+ crossreferences but have a question.
There are many cross references between the Cariyāpiṭaka and the Jātaka, but I fail to see the “parallel-ness” of these. Can somebody let me know what is going on here?
For instance cp1 matches up with ja480, cp2 with ja442, etc.

The Cariyapitaka is a set of stories of the Buddha’s supposed past lives, organized around the theme of the Paramis. As such, it overlaps with the Jatakas, and most, if not all, of the sections of the Cp have their parallels in various Jatakas. However the manner in which events are told may be very different, and in some cases a story may be merely alluded to. So unlike the suttas, where the parallels are between actual textual similarities, here the parallels indicate various tellings of similar stories, which may or may not have much in common with each other.

I’m reminded of the writings of Tolkein in the Silmarillion; he’d tell the same story again and again, in different literary forms and with different details, but the same basic ideas.

Perhaps we should identify these with a special “type” of parallel, say type=“version”.

This kind of thing does occur occasionally in the four nikayas as well. For example, we could consider the different “versions” of the story of Baka the Brahma: SN 6.4, Ja 405, MN 49. In strict literary terms, these don’t have much in common, but they do seem to tell what is in some sense different versions of the same events.

For more details on the Cp, see the introduction to the PTS edition.

cariyapitaka.pdf (2.6 MB)

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AN 8.20 and Ud 5.5 appear to be identical, of both of which AN 8.19 is a partial parallel - 8 qualities of the great ocean and of the Dhammavinaya

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AN 5.51 is a partial parallel of AN 5.55

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SA 801 parallels AN 5.96, AN 5.97, and AN 5.98.

The items given are somewhat different, but the idea behind the texts is basically the same.


Thanks so much, we’re reviewing our parallels at the moment and will be sure to take all those mentioned here into account.

AN 4.12 is a partial of Iti 111 (verse lines 9-10 of Iti 111 are absent in AN 4.12)

AN 5.56 and AN 6.17 have one passage in common (indriyesu guttadvāro bhavissāmi…) only diverging in the number of grammatical person

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We have several related suttas dealing with sakka and the “freedom due to ending of craving”, in detail it should be:

There are four main sets of parallels:

"uids": ["sn22.4", "sa552"]

"uids": ["an7.61", "ma83", "t47"]

"uids": ["mn37", "ea19.3", "sa505"]

"uids": ["dn21", "da14", "ma134", "sht-sutta54", "t15", "t203.73", "~sf139", "~sf241"]

These texts have a short passage on the ending of craving. The root version of this was given to Sakka in the Indaguha (DN 21 etc), and several texts explicitly mention that setting. Since the root text occurs a number of places, the mentions also should be expanded. These are the ones I have confirmed.

"uids": ["dn21#80","sf241#24", "sn22.4#1", "sa552#t-0144c24-#t-0144c24","mn37#1","an7.61#12","ma83#t-0560b02-#t-0560b4","t47#t-0837c04-#t-0837c06","sa505#t-133b26-#t-133b29","ea19.3#t-0593c15-#t-0593c17","da14#t-0064c02-#t-0064c06","ma134#t-0637a14-#t-0637a18","t15#t-0249b10-#t-0249b13"]
"mention": ["dn21#80", "sn22.4#1", "sa552#t-0144c24-#t-0144c24","sa505#t-133b26-#t-133b29"]
"mention": ["sf241#24", "sn22.4#1", "sa552#t-0144c24-#t-0144c24","sa505#t-133b26-#t-133b29"]
"mention": ["da14#t-0064c02-#t-0064c06", "sn22.4#1", "sa552#t-0144c24-#t-0144c24","sa505#t-133b26-#t-133b29"]
"mention": ["ma134#t-0637a14-#t-0637a18", "sn22.4#1", "sa552#t-0144c24-#t-0144c24","sa505#t-133b26-#t-133b29"]
"mention": ["t15#t-0249b10-#t-0249b13", "sn22.4#1", "sa552#t-0144c24-#t-0144c24","sa505#t-133b26-#t-133b29"]

In addition, some of these texts have a longer passage, which includes the previous passage and an explanation. None of these contain mentions:

"uids": ["mn37#1-2","an7.61#12-13","ma83#t-0560b02-#t-0560b13","t47#t-0837c04-#t-0837c16","ea19.3#t-0593c15-#t-0593c26"]

SN 22.7 < MN 138 from the words Kathañcāvuso, anupādā paritassanā hoti?

in AN 22.7 it’s bhikkhave instead of avuso

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From the JSON perspective the data you give is conflicting:

You say:

“uids”: [“dn21#80”,“sf241#24”, “sn22.4#1”, “sa552#t-0144c24-#t-0144c24”,“mn37#1”,“an7.61#12”,“ma83#t-0560b02-#t-0560b4”,“t47#t-0837c04-#t-0837c06”,“sa505#t-133b26-#t-133b29”,“ea19.3#t-0593c15-#t-0593c17”,“da14#t-0064c02-#t-0064c06”,“ma134#t-0637a14-#t-0637a18”,“t15#t-0249b10-#t-0249b13”]

That’s fine: it means that all these uids are full parallels to each other.

But then you add several mentions like:

“mention”: [“dn21#80”, “sn22.4#1”, “sa552#t-0144c24-#t-0144c24”,“sa505#t-133b26-#t-133b29”]
“mention”: [“sf241#24”, “sn22.4#1”, “sa552#t-0144c24-#t-0144c24”,“sa505#t-133b26-#t-133b29”]

Which means that dn21#80 is mentioned in sn22.4#1 and in sa552#t-0144c24-#t-0144c24 and sa505#t-133b26-#t-133b29, etc.
But in the uids list, you just said that these were full parallels, not mentions … so this information conflicts.

Also, I am a bit unsure what to do with this information because I have given the files to you and Blake to work with. I can update the file that is on the server here:
Then that would be the latest version always.

I didn’t realize that this was a conflict. I thought “mention” was an additional qualification, so this meant “A is a full parallel that is mentioned in B”. Anyway, just delete the full parallel entries.[quote=“Vimala, post:75, topic:2628”]
I am a bit unsure what to do with this information because I have given the files to you and Blake to work with. I can update the file that is on the server here:
Then that would be the latest version always.

@blake is that okay?

I’m running out of time so I will do this when I’m back next month.

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AN 5.2 and AN 5.14 probaly could be classed as partial parallels since passages on the powers of faith, energy and wisdom are identical

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MN 26 and AN 4.255 share exposition of noble and ignoble searches, although not word for word


Here are some more parallels.

  • SN 35.106 = SN 12.43
  • SN 35.107 = SN 12.44
  • SN 35.122 partial SN 35.122
  • SN 35.123 partial SN 35.123
  • SN 35.124 = SN 35.125 = SN 35.125 = SN 35.126 = SN 35.128 = SN 35.131 = SN 35.118 (all these differ in the interlocuter only)
  • SN 35.130#1 mentions SN 14.4#1
  • SN 35.138, SN 35.138, SN 22.33, SN 22.34, SN 35.101, SN 35.102 are all partials.
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A correction:

Iti 24 is listed as partial parallel to Kv 1.1#158. Correct to Iti 24#6 full parallel with Kv 1.1#158.

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AN 4.122 parallels a section of MN 67 from right to the end, the subject is simile of 4 dangers in the water