New text additions on SuttaCentral:

Some new texts were just add onto the site in an updated:

In addition, there have been a few text corrections (notably to the Russian DN16, many thanks to @Piyadassi for highlighting the issue).

Emphatic thanks to all contributors (and if I’ve forgotten anything or anyone, a million apologies); may your efforts being you and others much happiness!


Many thanks @Aminah for your help… :grin:


And the re-paragraphed versions of the 4 nikayas!


Sadhu Sadhu Sadhu!

Can we assume that the epubs are updated as well? The only way I can figure out the creation date of the files is to change the .epub extension to .zip and then explore the file without actually unzipping. Unzipping puts a new creation date on the files inside the container, but just exploring seems to indicate the real creation date of the individual files.

It would be great if the creation date of the epubs could be included in the text itself so people less familar with the innards of an epub could know what version they are looking at.

Any way, deep gratitude to all involved!


Yes, the epubs should be updated.

You are right, we should indicate versions in the EPUBs. It was considered, but it is not trivial. We wouldn’t want to trigger a new version on any change, as there may be frequent things like fixing a typo or a bit of punctuation. We’ll sort it out at some point!


Obviously I don’t understand the big picture, but this is a situation where the perfect might be the enemy of the good. Perhaps instead of thinking of versions (since Sutta Central itself doesn’t present the concept of versions to the public) it could be “current as of…” That way it just tells someone when they look at their copy on their device how old their copy is.

I guess the counter argument is that if you have to ask (or care) how old your copy is, then it is probably worth it to update any way.


It’s one of those things where it seems simple until you start to lock down the details. Really I think we should have a proper semantic versioning system. But every new proposal means taking time away from other good projects, so.


Does anyone know if the russian translation of the Udana is Pali to Russian or not?

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The translation was made from Anandajoti bhikkhu’s English translation. You can find any available details about a text by clicking on the info icon at the top of the translation:
