Noble Disciple Study Guide

I have been trying to collect some key suttas that have to do with becoming a “noble disciple”, to help my practice. So I thought that I would share it here to see if anyone wanted to critique my choices or if anyone was interested in concise study guide.

The study guide contains:
DN 31. Advice to Sigālaka (“layperson’s vinaya”)
AN 5.177. Trades (short list of unwholesome professions)
AN. 8.54. With Dīghajāṇu (a description of how a lay follower may enjoy sensual pleasures)
SN 55.55. The Fruit of Stream-Entry (a list of four things to be cultivated)
MN 114. What Should and Should Not be Cultivated (a longer list with descriptions of what should be practiced by a follower of the Buddha)
AN 10.76. Three Things (a series of events that will lead to liberation, goes to stream entry and jumps to liberation)
AN 9.27. Dangers and Threats, 1st ( the Buddha addresses a householder on the five dangers and threats a stream enter has staunched)

Becoming a Noble Disciple.pdf (275.0 KB)


Would a list of all references to “going forth” in the main Nikayas be of use to you? You probably have such a list already, but if you don’t, I’d be happy to provide such. For example:

dn16: “Sir, if four months probation are required in such a case, I’ll spend four years on probation. When four years have passed, if the mendicants are satisfied, let them give me the going forth, the ordination into monkhood.”

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I don’t have a list of those yet. I’m just starting my sutta list making now. I am curious to that list now because I haven’t considered looking at “going forth” in the suttas.
I will probably need to search suttacentral “study guides” here soon!

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Here is a list for the main nikayas:

an8.51: “Sir, please let females gain the going forth from the lay life to homelessness in the
teaching and training proclaimed by the Realized One.”
an8.51: Don’t advocate for females to gain the going forth from the lay life to homelessness in
the teaching and training proclaimed by the Realized One.”
an8.51: “Sir, please let females gain the going forth from the lay life to homelessness in the
teaching and training proclaimed by the Realized One.”
an8.51: Don’t advocate for females to gain the going forth from the lay life to homelessness in
the teaching and training proclaimed by the Realized One.”
an8.51: “Well then, Gotamī, wait here just a moment, while I ask the Buddha to grant the going for
th for females.”
an8.51: Sir, please let females gain the going forth from the lay life to homelessness in the t
eaching and training proclaimed by the Realized One.”
an8.51: Don’t advocate for females to gain the going forth from the lay life to homelessness in
the teaching and training proclaimed by the Realized One.”
an8.51: “Sir, please let females gain the going forth from the lay life to homelessness in the
teaching and training proclaimed by the Realized One.”
an8.51: Don’t advocate for females to gain the going forth from the lay life to homelessness in
the teaching and training proclaimed by the Realized One.”
an8.51: Sir, please let females gain the going forth from the lay life to homelessness in the
teaching and training proclaimed by the Realized One.”
an8.51: “Ānanda, if females had not gained the going forth from the lay life to homelessness i
n the teaching and training proclaimed by the Realized One, the spiritual life would have lasted long. The true teaching would have remained for a thousand years.
an8.51: In the same way, the spiritual life does not last long in a teaching and training where females gai
n the going forth.
an8.51: In the same way, the spiritual life does not last long in a teaching and training where females gai
n the going forth.
an8.51: In the same way, the spiritual life does not last long in a teaching and training where females gai
n the going forth.
dn14: 9. The Going Forth
dn14: ‘This must be no ordinary teaching and training, no ordinary going forth in which Prince V
ipassī has gone forth.
dn14: Then that great crowd of 84,000 people shaved off their hair and beard, dressed in ocher robes, and fol
lowed the one intent on awakening, Vipassī, by going forth from the lay life to homelessness.
dn14: Sir, may we receive the going forth and ordination in the Buddha’s presence?’
dn14: And they received the going forth, the ordination in the Buddha Vipassī’s presence.
dn14: 14. The Going Forth of the Large Crowd
dn14: ‘This must be no ordinary teaching and training, no ordinary going forth in which the king
’s son Khaṇḍa and the high priest’s son Tissa have gone forth.
dn14: And such was his renunciation, such his going forth, such his striving, such his awakenin
g, and such his rolling forth of the wheel of Dhamma.
dn14: And such was your renunciation, such your going forth, such your striving, such your awak
ening, and such your rolling forth of the wheel of Dhamma.
dn19: If the Steward is going forth from the lay life to homelessness, we shall do so too. Your d
estiny shall be ours.”
dn19: “If the Steward is going forth from the lay life to homelessness, we shall do so too. Your d
estiny shall be ours.”
dn19: “If the Steward is going forth from the lay life to homelessness, we shall do so too. Your
destiny shall be ours.”
dn19: If you are going forth from the lay life to homelessness, we shall do so too. Your destiny s
hall be ours.”
dn19: And so the going forth of all those gentlemen was not in vain, was not wasted, but was frui
tful and fertile.’
dn19: And so the going forth of all those gentlemen was not in vain, was not wasted, but was fruit
ful and fertile.”
mn82: Sir, may I receive the going forth, the ordination in the Buddha’s presence?
mn82: May the Buddha please give me the going forth!”
mn82: “Raṭṭhapāla, Buddhas don’t give the going forth to the child of parents who haven’t given the
ir permission.”
mn82: May the Buddha please give me the going forth.”
mn82: And Raṭṭhapāla received the going forth, the ordination in the Buddha’s presence.
dn16: Sir, may I receive the going forth, the ordination in the Buddha’s presence?”
dn16: “Subhadda, if someone formerly ordained in another sect wishes to take the going forth, th
e ordination in this teaching and training, they must spend four months on probation. When four months have passed, if the mendicants are satisfied, they’ll give the
going forth, the ordination into monkhood.
dn16: “Sir, if four months probation are required in such a case, I’ll spend four years on probation. When fo
ur years have passed, if the mendicants are satisfied, let them give me the going forth, the ordination into monkhood.”
dn19: If you are going forth from the lay life to homelessness, we shall do so too. Your destiny s
hall be ours.”
dn19: And so the going forth of all those gentlemen was not in vain, was not wasted, but was frui
tful and fertile.’
dn19: And so the going forth of all those gentlemen was not in vain, was not wasted, but was fruit
ful and fertile.”
mn82: Sir, may I receive the going forth, the ordination in the Buddha’s presence?
mn82: May the Buddha please give me the going forth!”
mn82: “Raṭṭhapāla, Buddhas don’t give the going forth to the child of parents who haven’t given the
ir permission.”
mn82: May the Buddha please give me the going forth.”
mn82: And Raṭṭhapāla received the going forth, the ordination in the Buddha’s presence.
dn16: Sir, may I receive the going forth, the ordination in the Buddha’s presence?”
dn16: “Subhadda, if someone formerly ordained in another sect wishes to take the going forth, th
e ordination in this teaching and training, they must spend four months on probation. When four months have passed, if the mendicants are satisfied, they’ll give the
going forth, the ordination into monkhood.
dn16: “Sir, if four months probation are required in such a case, I’ll spend four years on probation. When fo
ur years have passed, if the mendicants are satisfied, let them give me the going forth, the ordination into monkhood.”
dn16: “Well then, Ānanda, give Subhadda the going forth.”
dn16: And the wanderer Subhadda received the going forth, the ordination in the Buddha’s presence.