Noble Tenfold Path?

I wonder if the manifold psychic powers and the lesser 2 of the tevijja are included in sammā ñāṇa?

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Dear Gabriel,
at the beginning of this discussion you reference the suttas above in relation to the 10 factors that a arahant possesses. Where did you find these passages? Did you collect them yourself or from another source? With friendship, neonative

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I think I searched them - which is not such a big deal. I take the search phrase and let the computer search through the e-book. Sometimes I take the pali term too and search suttacentral, and then order the results per nikaya…

Btw here are some reads for you re. the 10-fold path

  • Rod Bucknell: The Buddhist Path to Liberation (probably the most interesting read)

  • Bh. Analayo:
    From Craving to Liberation / 12.5 The Path to Liberation
    The Mahācattārīsaka-sutta in the Light of its Parallels
    Bh. Analayo shows that in the Agamas usually Right Liberation comes before Right Knowledge

And of course if you want a long commentarial perspective you can consult the chapters in the Vissudhimagga :slight_smile:

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that’s the case in the Gradual training as well, because it’s the knowledge of liberation or of distruction of taints

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That’s right! I very much recommend to read Bucknell’s article. Maybe it’s a classic thing to do, but I’ve seen it for the first time that someone convincingly parallels the gradual training to the 10-fold path.

In the versions of the gradual training where the practitioner after the 4 jhanas (which is samadhi) comes to the three knowledges (the knowledge of 1.former lifes 2.the passing and arising of beings 3.the destructions of the taints) - that would be nānā. And finally he knows ‘I am liberated’ - that would be vimutti (although technically we have the knowledge of it too)