Non-existence is impermanent, suffering and not-self

Thank you venerable! :pray:

But Samsara involves both existence and ”non-existence”/unconscioussness/non-awareness/non-being/deep sleep. Like you mentioned, the beautiful and the ugly.

To me the monastics claiming extermination just happen to find non-existence/unconscioussness/non-awareness/non-being - all very samsaric phenomenas - to be the beautiful and pleasant to the point that they imagine it to be the truth.

Is any knowledge, insight & wisdom found in any of the states of non-existence/unconscioussness/non-awareness/non-being?

Of course not.

The Buddha has adressed this as a wrong view in so many ways, here is yet another example:

“Bhikkhus, there are these two views: the view of being and the view of non-being. Any recluses or brahmins who rely on the view of being, adopt the view of being, accept the view of being, are opposed to the view of non-being. Any recluses or brahmins who rely on the view of non-being, adopt the view of non-being, accept the view of non-being, are opposed to the view of being.

“Any recluses or brahmins who do not understand as they actually are the origin, the disappearance, the gratification, the danger, and the escape in the case of these two views are affected by lust, affected by hate, affected by delusion, affected by craving, affected by clinging, without vision, given to favouring and opposing, and they delight in and enjoy proliferation. They are not freed from birth, ageing, and death; from sorrow, lamentation, pain, grief, and despair; they are not freed from suffering, I say. MN 11

The following could also be said:
People fear existence due to craving for non-existence, which depends on delusion of self. With this view the only way to truly get rid of the self, (eventhough the proponents say there isn’t a self to begin with), is through annihilation. And they imagine this true annihilation is only possible with Nibbāna and with the cessation of the selfless khandhas.

So the ”cessationists” only project a samsaric conditioned phenomena that they happen to prefer as somehow applying to ending the defilements.

Any recluses or brahmins who rely on the view of non-being, adopt the view of non-being, accept the view of non-being, are opposed to the view of being.

Just like eternalists project their samsaric preference rooted in craving as to what Nibbāna ”must” result in.

Eventhough there are the undeclared points, the Buddha has made it clear it is beyond both being and non-being. :pray:

There is no escape from that the Buddha actually taught this! :sweat_smile:


We should probably give up this craving rooted in ignorance and find out for ourselves about this nibbana business! :slight_smile:



Our birth is beyond our control.
Yet, birth provides us with the basis to discern our will and cultivate wisdom despite however long that takes. One slowly and surely comes to full realisation… eventually.

I think you might benefit from this, I haven’t read them all, so I cannot continue with you. Feel free to continue with those people after you read the whole thing.