Non-Theravadin Patimokkha Recitation

In Tibetan Gelug-pa monasteries, we uphold Sojong (uposatha) every 2 weeks. A place where the confession ritual is not upheld every two weeks (among other things) is not called a monastery.

We gather and recite Patimokkha in some ways. In the same ceremony, we recite the Bodhisattva vows as well as the tantric vows. If one doesn’t uphold them, he leaves and comes back at a later time to conclude.

In this tradition, laypeople are not meant to study Vinaya or to even familiarize with the vows. Similarly, rabjung are not meant to know the getsül and gelong vows, and getsül should not know the gelong vows. I doubt you will find a video of the Sojong on YouTube, at least from the Gelug tradition.