Vows and Vinaya in the Tibetan Tradition

That sounds reasonable. In which country is that? And do we know about the other 3 schools?

I’ve experienced this difficulty in obtaining any English version of the Tibetan vinaya! Quite frustrating. Now that you’ve said it’s deliberate, that reminds me of the Catholic Church banning the Bible from being translated into any language the common folk could understand. Which seems to be a power move, deliberately keeping the common people ignorant.

In the Tibetan case, I’ve noticed that they seem to break a great many vinaya rules, continuously, though it’s hard to confirm that without being able to see the specific vows they take! Though I do expect that running a business or accumulating sponsor money and buying fancy watches and motorbikes, and buying meals to eat while watching TV in restaurants, should be against their vinaya?

This is not meant as a criticism. Just things I’ve noticed.