Not attending the fortnightly teaching (Bhikkhuni pacittiya 58)

No, I’m talking about a monk who lives alone in the forest, not in a monastery:

Now at that time a certain monk was staying in a forest; nuns, having approached him, spoke thus: “Master, undertake the exhortation.” He said: “But I, sisters, am staying in the forest. How can I undertake the exhortation?” They said: “Master, undertake the exhortation, for it was thus laid down by the Lord: ‘Except for an ignorant one, except for an ill one, except for one setting out on a journey, the exhortation should be undertaken through the others’.” They told this matter to the Lord. He said: “Monks, I allow you to undertake the exhortation through a monk who is a forest-dweller and (for him) to make a rendezvous, saying, ‘I will perform it here’.” (Kd 20.9.5)

Not for the formal ovada. But of course bhikkhunis teach plenty of times in the suttas and the vinaya on other occasions.