Vinaya Doodles 😁

13 posts were split to a new topic: Not attending the fortnightly teaching (Bhikkhuni pacittiya 58)

The pacittiyas for bhikkhunis only

(rules 65-72 of 96)

  1. Ordaining a married girl who is less than twelve years old
  2. Ordaining a married woman over 12, but who has not completed two years sikkhamana training
  3. Ordaining a married woman over 12 with completed training, but without sangha approval
  4. Not assisting for two years a new bhikkhuni one has ordained
  5. Not following one’s preceptor for two years
  6. Not taking away a new bhikkhuni at least 5 yojanas (~50 miles / 80 km)
  7. Ordaining an unmarried girl less than 20 years old
  8. Ordaining an unmarried woman over 20, but who has not completed two years sikkhamana training.


Discussing further Bhi.Pac 46, the rule is to not personally hand out food, rather than prohibiting generally providing it, say, by setting it near a person or asking another to give. So I think naming the rule “Handing food…” would be more accurate than “Giving food…”


Awesome drawing and interpretations, as always.

I’m particularly tickled by the pizza being accepted after regular food was declined in Bhi Pac 54 - because that’s exactly when it’s hardest to keep this rule!

Thanks for the interpretive description and drawing of Bhi Pac 55, “Keeping good supporters to oneself”; the usual translations of being “Begrudging” or “Stingy with regard to families” don’t get the point across nearly so clearly.


Somehow the willfulness comes across clearly in the illustration for Bhi Pac 69 (not training under one’s Preceptor for 2 years) - actually laughed out loud.

Also LOL at the teddy bear in the almsbowl of the young ordainee of Bhi Pac 71.


  1. Not assisting a new bhikkhuni one has ordained for two years

It sounds like a really long ordination ceremony. I suggest rewording for clarity:

  1. Not assisting for two years a new bhikkhuni one has ordained

I laughed so much going through the vinaya doodles. The illustrations are so creative ven. @yodha ! :pray:t4:


Thanks for all your feedback! I have made the changes you suggested. :sparkling_heart:


The pacittiyas for bhikkhunis only

(rules 73 - 80 of 96)

  1. Ordaining an unmarried woman over 20 with completed training, but without sangha approval
  2. Ordaining someone when one does not have 12 years in robes oneself
  3. Ordaining someone without sangha approval, even if one has 12 years in robes
  4. Agreeing to stop ordaining people for the time being, and later complaining about it
  5. Offering ordination to a sikkhamana in exchange for a robe, and then not ordaining her after she has given the robe
  6. Offering ordination to a sikkhamana in exchange for 2 years of service, and then not ordaining her when she has served one for 2 years
  7. Ordaining a sikkhamana who is entangled with men
  8. Ordaining a sikkhamana without the consent of her parents and her husband.

(Updated 29 July 2019)


The pacittiyas for bhikkhunis only

(rules 81 - 88 of 96)

Finally we come to the end of the ordination rules… :sweat_smile:

  1. Delaying an ordination, and not asking absent bhikkhunis again if they agree to the procedure.
  2. Ordaining every year
  3. Ordaining two candidates in one year
  4. Using a sunshade and sandals
  5. Riding in a vehicle
  6. Wearing a hip ornament
  7. Wearing a woman’s ornament
  8. Bathing with perfumes and scents

(Updated 24 October 2019)


Are these really proscribed? Should I not offer you a lift?


Yes, these are real rules :grin:
BTW, monks have them too, just not in their patimokkha.
The way people usually get around this is by using the exemption for monastics who are sick. If you had to walk far (without sandals / a vehicle) you’d get blisters or a heatstroke or some other sickness. So better to be safe than sorry… :slightly_smiling_face:


Things were different in the Buddha’s days. People were used to walking barefoot and the roads usually were mud paths, not tarmac. Only rich people used vehicles…


Sounds like it limited the rate.

Is there a minimum age?

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Yes, maximum 1 candidate in 2 years.

20 is the minimum age for unmarried women, and for men. 12 for married women.


The pacittiyas for bhikkhunis only

(rules 89-96 of 96)

This is the last batch of the pacittiya rules… :tada:

  1. Bathing with scented sesame powder
  2. Being massaged by another bhikkhuni
  3. Being massaged by a sikkhamana
  4. Being massaged by a samaneri
  5. Being massaged by a laywoman
  6. Sitting down in front of a bhikkhu without permission
  7. Asking a bhikkhu a dhamma or vinaya question without permission
  8. Going into the village without one’s vest.


5 posts were split to a new topic: Bhikkhuni pacittiya rules concerning massage

The Patidesaniyas

Patidesaniyas are offenses that can be cleared through confession, similar to a pacittiya. The difference is that the monastics have to use a specific confession formula to clear the offense: “I have done a blameworthy and unsuitable thing which is to be acknowledged. I acknowledge it.”
There are 4 patidesaniyas for bhikkhus, 8 for bhikkhunis. None of them are shared.

The patidesaniyas for bhikkhus only

(rules 1-4 of 4)

  1. Eating food received from a bhikkhuni
  2. Not sending a bhikkhuni away when she is organizing a meal distribution for the monks
  3. Eating food from families who have been designated by the sangha as “in training” (i.e. should not be approached for alms, because they give so much that they can barely survive themselves)
  4. Living in a dangerous place and having laypeople deliver food there without telling them of the dangers.

The full text of the rules can be found here.


13 posts were split to a new topic: Comments on Vinaya Doodles

The patidesaniyas for bhikkhunis only

(Rules 1-8 of 8)

  1. Requesting and eating ghee
  2. … Oil
  3. … Honey
  4. … Sugar
  5. … Fish
  6. … Meat
  7. … Milk
  8. … Curds.

(If this seems familiar, it is parallel to bhikkhu pacittiya 39 :slight_smile:)


Is the offence “requesting and eating” or “requesting or eating?”. I cook exclusively with ghee, so it is a bit confusing to see that ghee is bad.

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