Notes on geography for Map of Early Buddhism

It occurs to me that the ? icon is perfect for marking places who’s location is uncertain. Maybe that was obvious to you, but I just realized it!

I guess it was considered more of a colony than an extension of the Koliyan region. Still, i would regard it as uncertain.

Catuma is a Sakyan village, Amalikavana is the grove/monastery nearby. Maybe just shift them away from Kapilavatthu a little.

The full entry in DPPN for dakkhinagiri is hopelessly confused. It says it encompasses Ujjeni and Vidisa, which are far to the west of Rajagaha, and a little south. But it is also on the road from Savatthi (N/W) and Rajagaha (!). And it’s past the hills south of Rajagaha.

There’s obviously a lot of confusion, and no reason why such a generic name should not be used in different ways. I think we should dismiss the “on the road from savatthi to rajagaha” part. And Ujjeni is the capital of Avanti, not Dakkhinagiri. (although the two are sometimes conflated, they may well have been separate at some times and distinct at others.) We also know that monks returned to rajagaha after wandering in the dakkhinagiri. So let’s assume it was a vaguely defined area to the S/W of Rajagaha, including Vidisa.

I have adjusted this in line with the location in DPPN (roughly 30 leagues from savatthi, 12 from benares, on the way to Rajagaha.) But it is still uncertain.

Acc. to DPPN says it is between Assaka and alaka, but that’s not what the text says. It says bavari came from Kosala to the Dakkhinapatha, then stayed in Asska region, at Alaka. It seems to me that here Dakkhinapatha simply means “the southern regions”.

This is correct, these are alternate names.

Good spot, this must be a mistake.

This is one of the most precise points in the map: you can still see the black rock! But you’re right, we should remove the Moggallana’s death stuff. The descriptions are taken from the Dictionary of Pali Proper Names. A couple of years ago I went through the whole (huge!) text and removed all entries to later texts, and commentarial additions such as this. Or at least, that was my intention. Obviously I missed this one, and it should be removed.

As for reordering things, please go ahead.

Oh, right. Well, feel free to replace it if you think there’s a better one. We can, of course, upload our own icons if we want.

Regarding making changes, I’d be happier if you just deleted stuff rather than trying to save everything. These things rapidly become bloated and unworkable. While it may be obvious to you what is what, others, including myself, won’t be so clear. Best to just delete anything you think is wrong, make the corrections. We can always redo things later if you make a mistake.