Notes on the translation of Sutta Nipāta

No, I quite like the ampersand. I gave an example in a subsequent essay.

His eccentric choices of doctrinal terms are well known (“stress”, “unbinding”, and so on), but that idiosyncratic style regularly extends to the “regular” text as well, especially in poetry. If I consult a translation by Ven Bodhi or KR Norman, I can pretty much know what to expect. But with Ven Thanissaro, I never know if I’ll see a baldly literal rendering, or an obscure metaphor, or some insightful rendering no-one else thought of, or just a plain old mistake—we all make them! For this reason I tend to use his translations as a last resort; if I’m unsure how to render a phrase, and if I can’t find anything helpful in other translations, I’ll check his work, and occasionally find a useful turn of phrase.