Offline SC for Mac

Hi Folks,

I’ve tried to download SC offline on my Macbook Pro 2011 and SC says download complete, but I can’t find where it went to on my Mac so that I can put it onto my desktop.

It didn’t go to the same place the old version was located (which I trashed before downloading this ed.)

I tried searching for suttacentral, sutta, and zip files but no luck.

Can anybody help?

Mine is in the Launchpad
If your launchpad isn’t in your dock, check applications > Launchpad
Then for easy find in the future, click and drag from the launchpad to your dock.
That seems to have worked for me

Thanks @Dashu. I have managed to get the app, but I can’t actually access any of the suttas unless I have recently opened them online.

Did you manage to get that part to work?

That seems to be the extent of my knowledge. Mine is working on all areas.
Although, it might be worth deleting, clearing all your cookies and trying again. I did that soon after the first time I downloaded, because it was running too slow to bother with.
Do you use Google Chrome? Because I think it is a chrome extension - so perhaps if you are using Safari, it is different?

And also, it takes time to download the whole thing, make sure it’s fully downloaded

I have a macbook too. How did you find the app?

Try Macintosh HD > Users > your profile name > applications > chrome apps

I still can’t get it going offline though, so please let me know if you succeed!

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Or try clicking on Launchpad and looking there.
It will look like this I expect

Screenshot 2021-04-29 at 06.25.12

I can get the app but not the suttas unless I’m online. I’ve deleted it now.

Ah, I’ve just noticed that’s the same with mine too
I’ll see if I can work it out

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I guess you didn’t have any luck?