On Sex & Gender

Yes you’re right, technically humans are not capable of sequential hermaphroditism. However, in rare cases, individuals may be born with ambiguous sex characteristics that are taken for one gender, that then change over the lifetime, particularly at puberty(wiki). From what I read it seems to happen more female to male, but a spontaneous hormonal change can happen m-f (it seems not including genitalia).

I would reckon a change in physical characteristics (secondary sex characteristics like facial hair, breasts, etc) seem not enough to make someone change communities if the genitalia remains the same. But it’s an interesting question. From what I’ve tried to piece together from my poor translation skills the words used are “itthiliṅgaṃ” and “purisaliṅgaṃ” which seem to be literally the female organ and the male organ respectively. So it’s literally about genitalia? Which seems, as you say, basically impossible in the case of M to F?

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Sorry to be so late on this response but…Oh please, ‘aggressive pushing their crusade’? Your generalized comment smacks of a profound lack of understanding and compassion, and an unhealthy dose of male privilege. You sound overtly dismissive of a minority who has suffered too many murders by hateful men .

“establish harmonious social boundaries”…Perhaps you could describe an approach that might work in a society bent on maintaining the status quo with a touch of violence, intimidation, ostracism and negation. Sounds like you’re saying we should just get over it. When I came here to this forum I did so with the hope of offering a perspective that went beyond the classic 2500 year old Buddhist view of sex and gender. Now I am not sure that there is an opening. And is it a small coincidence that this forum still seems male dominated?


Sorry to be so late on this but the issue remains ever present in current consciousness and attendant lexicon, so here is my 5 cents:
Wow…your opinion is full of so much opinionated, politicized rhetoric that I cannot even respond to most of the falsehoods contained. So am I to assume-since you did not declare- that you are not a trans-person? All of your references seem intent on discrediting the successful happy lives lived by so many Trans people. You have done my community a great disservice by uttering inane, uninformed endorsements of statements by people who have a an obvious bias. Money did not invent the term transgenderism. He only proved that nature has more power to determine gender-which science has proved is based on brain sex.

“1) Real transgenders. Real transgender means a person, usually gay, that does not have a feminization fetish and desires the transition because a woman body would help him better in his sexual life and he has a realistical chance of looking like a woman. Modern technology allows him to modify his body and in this case, such a modification would actually help him in his sexual life.”

This is just wrong. You have made a common mistake by confusing sexual preference with gender. Your ignorance might understandable if you presented it a such. But by stating a falsehood as fact you have only illuminated your need to sound authoritative in an area where you are terribly misinformed. Please stop spreading this bullshit.

Autogynephalic is a non scientific expression refuted by the majority of people in the professions that deal with the Trans condition. It is merely a way of discrediting a psychological state which most people cannot fathom. I am a 66 year old post op Transsexual woman. It is a condition with which I was born. I did not volunteer for it nor do I pretend to understand it. Yet despite false claims and ignorance, religious bigotry, social oppression, violence and excommunication I am happy to be a Trans woman whose has been married for 38 years, sober for 35 years and according to most people fairly well balanced psychologically.

"Since the discovery of neuroplasticity, it has been confirmed that there is no such thing as fixed brain chemistry."
And this absurd statement-non-referenced as it is-is simply not true. But I haven’t the will or psychological need to convince you or anyone that my life and understanding of trans-ness is valid in the face of so much arrogance and prejudice.

“Those who support child transgender operations or transgender transition without the laws used in the EU are indirectly supporting murder and life long depression because of their lack of information and superficial awareness about the problem. Compassion is great, but if there is no wisdom, there will be problems.”

Just more thinly veiled prejudice based on subjective perception regarding something you can’t understand. Your position is indefensible. Stop spreading propaganda. This is partly the reason 28 Trans women were murdered last year, but that little stat did not find inclusion in your political diatribe. If you don’t see the light in this, just don’t spread malice disguised as helpful info. Most of your position is based on ignorance and prejudice, and cannot stand the light of scientific inquiry. If you would like a first hand account of the healthy happy life of a Trans woman who knows, feel free to ask.