Online Pali Courses

Hello fellow Pali students,

There are translations of Gair & Karunatillake’s A New Course in Reading Pali:
Text in Russian:
Text in Chinese:
(No I read neither, though a few Chinese characters are recognisable. Found the Chinese recently thanks to Bhikkhu Bodhi’s mention of it in one of the last few lectures of Pali Primer.)

This book by U Hla Myint AN INTRODUCTION TO PĀḶI THE LANGUAGE OF THE BUDDHA uses some EBT passages to teach Pali
(Not as complicated as G&K. I thought it would be a good place to do further on the Verbs - active & reflective — since Yuttadhammo’s exercise at the back requires that, but I’m still stuck in fascination with the first Part on Nouns.)
The translation of agyāgāra in Lesson 6 led me to some interesting deductions.

PS - There is also a revision to UHM’s textbook: