Our perception of gender

@Linda, no need to apologize. I don’t have a gender on discourse. :slightly_smiling_face:

I can’t speak for Ayya @Vimala, but I don’t think she wanted to reveil my “real” gender. She probably just noticed how everyone addressed me as Ayya and thought it was funny. (I’m guessing here. Best to let her speak for herself!)

Yes, what made people think I’m female?
That I make “silly” art?
That I show emotions?
That I’m friends with the Tilorien sangha, who are all nuns?

It’s very interesting how fast people decided that I’m female and started to relate to me in that way. And how different people would have reacted if they had thought I was male.

So my gender shall remain a mystery… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
