Pali Course Overflow Discussions

@suaimhneas @Gillian @christie I request that the thread be separated from the Pali course under which it is currently nested. Could it be reassigned to a new topic? That way, it can continue to exist as its own topic.

I plan to keep revisiting the course, once it has ended, in order to review the course discussions about the Warder lessons. This thread has no relevance to the actual course as far as I can tell. I wouldn’t wish to keep seeing new content notifications related to this thread. I appreciate Gillian’s efforts to manage it as part of the course. Thanks for hearing my request.


I am happy for the thread to be moved to a separate category, but I don’t know how to do this. Perhaps the @moderators can assist here.

I am surprised that you don’t think the thread has a relevance to the course, as it started off with a request to John relating to the class, and I also added a translation of a sutta related to a translation in the class. I understand though that you may no longer wish to view or participate in the thread.

Is it possible to mute notifications in a thread? As far as I know, I get notifications in any thread that I have participated in or mentioned, regardless of which topic it is in. Perhaps you could investigate turning notifications off, or remove the thread from a list of threads that notifications are generated? I must admit, I find notifications annoying too and generally turn them off.

Edit: it seems it is possible to adjust notifications on a per thread basis, based on this screenshot:

Christie, I am aware of the range of notification options on this platform. If I could simply block your posts, I would. But I can’t and am OK with that. As such, I would prefer this thread be assigned to a topic specific to your Pali interests. Thank you.

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Thanks for the clarification, @BethL I understand.

I hope you don’t mind if I continue to attend the Pali classes in the new year. If you wish, you can mute when @johnk asks me to translate a sentence.

I wish you the best in your studies and in your journey.

I’ve actually changed my mind on keeping this topic open. I think this thread has run its course at this point. There is always the option to create a new thread or threads to continue discussion after the Pali course has finished or to discuss any specific topics that arise from it (perhaps not entirely suited to the main course threads) while it is ongoing.
suaimhneas (on behalf of the moderators)