Pali English Digha Nikaya for hard copy purposes

These are the 4 Nikayas, there is no text in Pali and the monk who organized it said that the translation is very old and could be improved.

PTS made this translation available in 2013 for non-commercial use.

Free PTS eBooks
Free PTS eBooks

The Pali Text Society has made its Vinaya, Sutta and Abhidhamma books available for non-commercial use since 2013. The Sutta books have been edited on the Buddhadust Website and Stephen Torrence and myself did most of the work to reformat the web pages into eBook versions.

What is special about these books? These are the unabridged editions of the original PTS Sutta books which were some of the first translations which have been referenced by several modern translators who followed later. Unabridged means the triple dots which used to represent missing repetitions have been expanded or “rolled out” with those missing repetitions. It is cost effective for electronic editions and some people swear that something is “lost” in translation with these repetitions represented by the triple dots (…). The texts have been formatted on the Buddhadust website in a nice grouped poetic way which helps a great deal with sorting through all of the information while reading. Lastly, since these books are quite old, they were written in an older English religious style so your vocabulary could use a little brush up!

I think the best known English Sutta Translations are Bhikkhu Bodhi, SuttaCentral, PTS and Thanissaro Bhikkhu.

It will be very important to have the Sutta Central Translations in PDF e-Books.