Pali translation help

does assāsakaraṇo imply an effort made for the comforting, or an associated comfort, when compared to assāsako or do they pretty much used the same way?

Pali words for the compound word “teardrop”?

Some Pali words for the compound word teardrop?

  1. Assuphūsitaṃ (Assu + phūsitaṃ)
  2. Assubinduṃ

declenied neuter?

utter darkness (Ven. Sujato)
a dense mass of darkness (Ven. Bodhi)

The comforting solitude in the darkness of the night
Rattandha­kā­re suppaṭisallīnaviveko
Rattandha­kā­ra­timisāya suppaṭisallīnaviveko
Or already given;

Related sutta:
Paṭisallānaratena - take delight in solitude (R. Davids)

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Can the word assu be a substitute in verse

Assu = Nettajala/nettasala
In the sameway nettodaka (netta + udaka; netta (a+u → o) daka) may also work.

See also:

Tikaṃ nettodake. khipa peraṇe, po, issattaṃ. Nette jātaṃ jalaṃ nettajalaṃ. Asa adhopatane, su, assu. nettajalañca assu cāti dvando. assu napuṃsake( Byākaraṇa gantha-saṅgaho)