'parisuddhena cetasā pariyodātena' and 'citte parisuddhe pariyodāte'

It’s good to look at the EBT to get a an EBT perspective. SN 36 is an entire samyutta just on this topic.

in particular, SN 36.14 ties vedana, originating from the anatomical body, to the vedana as its experienced in the 4 jhānas

SN 36.14 agāra-suttaṃ

SN 36.14 agāra-suttaṃ
SN 36.14 guest-house-discourse
♦ 262. “seyyathāpi, bhikkhave, āgantuk-āgāraṃ.
"Suppose, monks, (there is a) guest-house.
tattha puratthimāyapi disāya āgantvā vāsaṃ kappenti,
Over-there (from the) eastern direction (they) come (for) lodge usage,
pacchimāyapi disāya āgantvā vāsaṃ kappenti,
(from the) western direction (they) come (for) lodge usage,
uttarāyapi disāya āgantvā vāsaṃ kappenti,
(from the) northern direction (they) come (for) lodge usage,
dakkhiṇāyapi disāya āgantvā vāsaṃ kappenti.
(from the) southern direction (they) come (for) lodge usage,
khattiyāpi āgantvā vāsaṃ kappenti,
(the) warriors, (they) come (for) lodge usage,
brāhmaṇāpi āgantvā vāsaṃ kappenti,
(the) brahmins, (they) come (for) lodge usage,
vessāpi āgantvā vāsaṃ kappenti,
(the) middle-class, (they) come (for) lodge usage,
suddāpi āgantvā vāsaṃ kappenti.
(the) slave-class, (they) come (for) lodge usage.

(3-fold vedana explicitly said to arise from anatomical body)

evameva kho, bhikkhave,
just like that, monks,
imasmiṃ kāyasmiṃ vividhā vedanā uppajjanti.
(in) this body, various feelings arise.
sukhāpi vedanā uppajjati,
pleasant feeling arises,
dukkhāpi vedanā uppajjati,
painful feeling arises,
a-dukkham-a-sukhāpi vedanā uppajjati.
neither-painful-nor-pleasant feeling arises;

(carnal feelings are tied to 5 cords of sensual pleasure, clearly anatomical body)

sāmisāpi sukhā vedanā uppajjati,
carnal pleasant feeling arises;
sāmisāpi dukkhā vedanā uppajjati,
carnal painful feeling arises;
sāmisāpi a-dukkham-a-sukhā vedanā uppajjati.
carnal neither-painful-nor-pleasant feeling arises;

(anatomical body originated spiritual feelings arise in jhāna, see SN 36.31 for explicit tie to jhāna definition)

nirāmisāpi sukhā vedanā uppajjati,
spiritual pleasant feeling arises;
nirāmisāpi dukkhā vedanā uppajjati,
spiritual painful feeling arises;
nirāmisāpi a-dukkham-a-sukhā vedanā uppajjatī”ti.
spiritual neither-painful-nor-pleasant feeling arises.
[end of] fourth [sutta in this section].