Participants needed: University of Adelaide Bhīkkhuni study

Seeking Australian Monastics (any gender) and lay supporters.

Re: University of Adelaide Bhikkhuni Study

Researchers at the University of Adelaide are conducting a study project to document and examine the experiences of Theravada Buddhist Nuns living in Australia. We would like to invite you to participate in the project.

The study consists of a semi-structured interview with nuns, monks, and laity regarding their views on a range of issues currently being debated internationally including Bhikkhuni ordination and garrudhamma, gender equity, the role of Australian nuns in the 21st Century, and how living in Australia influences a nun’s practice.

The participants’ responses will be compared against the current international literature as part of Roy Sneddon’s research thesis. The stories will also be deposited in an Australian National Archive (with consent) as a record on an emerging and significant cultural group.

The project is being supervised by Dr Tiziana Torresi (University of Adelaide) and Dr Nadine Levy (Nan Tien Institute) as part of the Master of Philosophy degree being undertaken by Roy Sneddon. The study has received approval from the University of Adelaide Human Research Ethics Committee [ref H-2021-199].

We are now seeking your assistance in distributing this invitation to monastics within your Sangha (both monks and nuns) who may wish to participate in the study, through the relevant monastic channels. We would also like to talk with someone from your committee to discuss the most appropriate way to approach lay people who may be interested in the study.

For further information, or to express interest in the study, please contact

With Metta


Just to let folks here know, I’ll be doing it. :pray: