Perception of a Skeleton and the Seven Awakening Factors

There’s a specific order and then a feedback loop. Maybe watching the latest workshops on the topic of the eightfold path held in BSWA may help to understand what that this means (link below). I’ll not carry on as this is already off-topic.
A key sutta to refer too is AN10.121:

"Mendicants, the dawn is the forerunner and precursor of the sunrise.
In the same way right view is the forerunner and precursor of skillful qualities.
Right view gives rise to right thought.
Right thought gives rise to right speech.
Right speech gives rise to right action.
Right action gives rise to right livelihood.
Right livelihood gives rise to right effort.
Right effort gives rise to right mindfulness.
Right mindfulness gives rise to right immersion.
Right immersion gives rise to right knowledge.
Right knowledge gives rise to right freedom.”

Not the use of the term pahoti to convey the sequence and feedback loop.
