Pīti, sukha, kāya in jhāna: mental, physical, or both?

Hi Rob

Yes, being frank is definitely an aspect of Right Speech as evidenced in a number of Early Buddhist Texts.

Right Speech just goes further. It would have to though wouldn’t it, for it to be in accordance with the Dhamma?

How do we develop as human beings if we can’t disagree, be frank and argue in a manner which is in accordance with Dhamma? How does the 8 Fold Path and gradual training unfold without this? I think the rules of discourse here are quite gentle really. They also include - as in accordance with Dhamma, the role modelling found in the Vinaya and other EBTs - advice about how to accept admonishment.

It is totally up to you Frank, with regards to being seeing around here… But you are very welcome.

With Metta.

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