Please help create a sanctuary for Bhikkhunis

Throughout the ages, people have sought places of refuge to engage in deep meditative practice - quieting their minds and opening their hearts for the sake of others as well as themselves.

Some have sought to become monastics, to dedicate themselves to contemplative practice and a life of service. For example, in the time of the Buddha and for centuries afterward, men and women were ordained as bhikkhus and bhikkhunis.

Unfortunately, full ordination for women in the Theravada (South East Asian) branch of Buddhism gradually died out. Consequently, the support that would enable them to give themselves full-time to monastic life and deep practice has been greatly restricted and often denied.

To help remedy this situation, the New Zealand Bhikkhuni Sangha Trust (NZBST), a registered charity in New Zealand, is establishing the first meditation hermitage for bhikkhunis (fully ordained female monastics) in that country. The first step is to purchase a residence in Hamilton, where monastic women can live, practice, and offer teachings to the community.

Through the generous support of donors, we have paid the deposit and secured most of the funds to purchase a house in Hamilton. However, we require additional funding ($65 000 NZ) to establish our residence.

We hope you will find it in your heart to help us.

This is a historic step! Please go to our webpage to learn more: And please share this appeal with others who might be interested.

In America, please make your tax-deductible charitable donation via the Alliance For Bhikkhunis.

For other countries please donate either via our Givealittle Page or directly to the New Zealand Bhikkhuni Sangha Trust (tax deductible in NZ).

Your help will make a real difference in supporting full access to Buddhist practice for women. And it will make a profound difference to all those who come to this hermitage, and to all those whose lives they touch.

With respect and gratitude,

New Zealand Bhikkhuni Sangha Trust

If you have any questions, please contact:

or ask Ven Adhimutti for more details about the project here.


Sadhu! Sadhu!

So happy to see this, Ayya, and so proud to see the growth of the bhikkhuni community.

I hope you get the support you deserve, and start a thriving and nurturing community.


Thank you for your kind and encouraging words, Bhante. Look at all the trouble you started all those years ago!!


Sadhu Sadhu Sadhu!

May the community grow and prosper :pray: :dharmawheel: :pray:


Sadhu Anumodana … May the four fold Sangha continue to hold up the beacon of the Dhammavinaya so that the Buddha Sasana may long endure …