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Dhp 383–423: Brāhmaṇavagga—Bhikkhu Sujato (

Looks like there is a repetition for: Dhp416 (& subsequent ‘error’ in titles till the end)

They’ve given up craving,Yodha taṇhaṁ pahantvāna,
and have gone forth from lay life;anāgāro paribbaje;
they’ve ended craving to be reborn:Taṇhābhavaparikkhīṇaṁ,
that’s who I call a brahmin.tamahaṁ brūmi brāhmaṇaṁ.

They’ve given up craving,Yodha taṇhaṁ pahantvāna,
and have gone forth from lay life;anāgāro paribbaje;
they’ve ended craving to be reborn:Taṇhābhavaparikkhīṇaṁ,
that’s who I call a brahmin.tamahaṁ brūmi brāhmaṇaṁ.

PS - Master Yoda here?

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