Practical Buddhism Series

During this time of the COVID19 pandemic, as we face more challenges around medical illnesses, family and anxiety, our meditation center has prepared a four course series on Practical Buddhism for Feb/March 2021 (each talk is about 45 minutes and is from 8-9 PM Eastern). They are co-hosted by different individuals with a healthcare background, including myself. I’ve received helpful advice from SuttaCentral about these talks and as such I’d like to make the SuttaCentral community aware of them in case anyone is interested; the talks are, of course, free. The registration link to the next talk is here: Practical Buddhism: Strategies for Managing Anxiety Tickets, Thu, Feb 4, 2021 at 8:00 PM | Eventbrite. A full list is available here:
Philadelphia Meditation Center: Practical Buddhism Series

I’ll be giving this talk with a psychologist and meditator, Dr. Rosen, who leads Center City Insight Meditation ( We’ll try to record the session and make it available as well afterwards.