Problem selecting text on mobile

I cannot seem to select (copy) text from Sutta Central any more (on my iPhone). This makes it quite a challenge to quote suttas :pensive:


We havenā€™t made any changes that would affect this, so far as I know. I just checked my Android phone and it works fine. If any iPhone users have the same bug, please let us know.

You might try it in a different browser.


Unfortunately thatā€™s not possible on iOS. The Apple AppStoreā„¢ has a policy which prohibits other rendering engines. Even Opera, Chrome, etc use the Safari WebView component to actually render the page :pensive:

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Silly question, but how do you copy chunks of text on a smart-phone?
I can do it for single lines (sometimes!) by sweeping from left to right, but what about copying several lines or chunks of text?

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Long press on the text, then drag the tiny blue dots on the ends of the selected text:


Reloading the page works, sometimes! :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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No problems here - iOS 12.2, iPhone. What exactly is the problem? Does the ā€long pressā€ on that particular site does not work for you? Sometimes a restart of the device helps.


Hmmā€¦ Well that seems to have fixed it for now! Will message this thread again if I get a more solid repro. Thanks everyone :slight_smile: