
Some would say that this is not a “Buddhist view”, because some would say that a proper Buddhist view of rebirth would prefer that we all die and nothing happens. It would be “nicer”.

Some would say that, not everyone, obviously.

He isn’t actually proposing that.

Part of his usual joke about sectarian relations is that the Southern School is the eldest disciple of the Buddha, to be revered and respected, but the Tibetan School, the youngest school, is of a very sharp mind amongst the Buddha’s schools.

It is a joke, to remove the tension in the room. The non-sectarians can be glad that HHDL said something good about the Southern School and the Tibetan tradition. The sectarians can be glad that HHDL perhaps-implied the younger school has a sharper mind than the respected elders’ school. Everyone is happy and everyone agrees with HHDL.

He is just respecting the śrāvakāḥ in a politically savy way, something all too rare in Mahāyāna sometimes.

On a related note:

Mahāyānikāḥ (Mahayanists), particularly those coming from extensive Abhidharma-based backgrounds, often think that they know X and Y “śrāvaka” position on Z.

Dr. Rupert Gethin engaged HHDL along with an audience of monks in a lecture on Theravāda Abhidhamma. The video can be viewed here:

If you are so inclined, observe HHDL and his words at 3:50.

Now at approximately 16:06 Dr Gethin is going to say:

In the Pāli tradition, sati, or smṛti, is exclusively kusala, or wholesome.

Look at the long reaction.

I laughed aloud while watching! :joy:

I don’t mean this as mean or negative. Indeed it isn’t even a prideful or conceitful reaction on the part of the Tibetans. It was just how sure they seemed when started out they nothing would surprise them.

Perhaps silly things amuse me.