

I’m agnostic, but hopeful of rebirth.

Interestingly, I shared a long ride to a retreat once with a woman who had some past live memories. Having those memories didn’t make her happier. I found that fascinating, as I believe that if I ever get a sense of conviction about rebirth my expectation is that many of my psychological hobgoblins would be chased away.

Yet my friend was seriously scared of her next rebirth(s) not being good.

Nope :slight_smile:

I find the descriptions of nibanna to be quite disturbing. I’m taking it on faith from the writings that it is a joyous thing :).

I’ve seen that thought elsewhere and never understood why some people focus on it. Thanisarro Bhikkhu, as an example likes to use the word “blameless” before a number of things.

In real life I am a fairly nice guy, and if I can do something to avoid hurting others I do without thinking about it much. Just by my natural disposition I’m not going around much doing harm ( aside from driving my car and generating trash like many other Americans ).